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When money is owed to the IRS they will collect it by any means necessary. That includes taking a...
A tax lien is a lien upon your property that has been imposed by the government for delinquent taxes...
Have you received a letter from the IRS stating that you are being audited? You need us for your...
Our enrolled agents are federally authorized tax practitioners that have had years of experience and are empowered by the...
Offers in compromise (OIC) are agreements between a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service that settles a taxpayer’s tax...
Did you know that you can obtain a copy of your IRS file? Most people would be surprised to...
If you don’t qualify for the IRS Offer In Compromise program, a Payment Plan may be the way to...
Every day the massive computer center at the IRS is getting more sophisticated, it’s just a matter of time...
Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According...
The IRS views failing to pay payroll taxes as the cardinal sin of tax delinquency because a large portion...